TF2 For PS3 Hack? - Blockland

Modder DrLilRobot recently put out a prototype of their Team Fortress 2 story mode. It’s a little rough around the edges, but given that TF2 is meant to be a multiplayer class-based shooter PS3-TF2 PlayStation 3 Team Fortress 2 Community Team Fortress 2 Has PC/360 Cross Platform Play - Slashdot IGN has an in-depth article with Valve Engineer Robin Walker, TF2 Project Lead Charlie Brown, and Marketing Director Doug Lombardi, talking all about the Team Fortress 2 project. Along with details on class clarification, the look of the game, and map design decisions, the Valve folks confirm that 360/PC cross platform play is already in the game. Tf2 Ps3? -

Jul 21, 2008

TF2 Assets Mods - TF2 Mods -

Most Common Problem's With PS3's & How To Fix Them.

PS3 Team Fortress 2 Modding Dojo!