Webroot DNS Protection Features. DNS protection means the service is fast, lightweight and easy to set up and manage; If customers are currently using Webroot Endpoint Protection they can easily add on this service for multi-layered security

Jun 14, 2020 Get a Free Trial for DNS Protection for Businesses | Webroot DNS Protection stops up to 90% of web-borne malware at the domain layer, so it never reaches your network. It saves you time and money, while also minimizing unproductive web usage. NextDNS DNS Rebinding Protection. Prevent attackers from taking control of your local devices through the Internet. Learn more. DNSSEC. Automatically validate the authenticity of DNS answers. Learn more. Handshake. Try the experimental decentralized root DNS. Learn more. Our Network.

Jun 13, 2019

DNS Protection is the concept of protecting the DNS service as a whole, sometimes with an emphasis on security. DNS protection can be split into roughly two (2) categories: protection of the DNS service itself, and protection of the security posture overall. DNS Protection is not an industry standard term; depending on the context, it may mean different things to different people.

Many DNS protection solutions are capable of detecting and mitigating distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. DDoS attacks may target DNS servers, but can attack virtually any kind of computer or network resource. DNS protections may not be able to protect against all kinds of DDoS attacks.

DNS Protection - Why Is it So Important? DNS protection provides an additional layer of protection between an employee and the internet by blacklisting dangerous sites and filtering out unwanted content. By using secure DNS servers both at home and at work, employees can avoid unnecessary risks and the potential for malicious attack.