The estimated broadband speed you can expect during peak hours (the busiest time on the network) A guaranteed minimum broadband speed; If your broadband speed isn’t meeting the minimum your provider has guaranteed, you can make a complaint – and if the problem isn’t resolved in 30 days, you’ll be able to leave your contract without a

Broadband speed is how fast data can be downloaded and uploaded through your modem. Download speed is the rate at which data is transferred from the Internet to your computer. The upload speed is the rate that data goes from your computer to the Internet. Test Your Broadband Check your broadband speed and get tips to improve performance online. It's a quick and easy way to make sure your Sky Broadband is running at its best. Download Speed: 5563 kbps (695.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 5498 kbps (687.3 KB/sec transfer rate) Latency: 14 ms Wed Aug 14 10:26:29 2013. Wait a few minutes and run the test again. Run the test a few times more later in the day, a few hours apart, to get an idea of the average readouts. What does this test tell you? There are a few things you can do before you start the speed test to get more accurate results, for example, cancelling downloads and running the test at different times of the day. Our guide: Broadband speeds in Ireland , covers the full checklist and ways to improve your broadband speed.

Start the Internet Speed Test by clicking the red Start speed test under the dials. The Broadband Speed Test will start measuring your Broadband's download speed and then your upload speed. You will also see your Ping time in milliseconds – the smaller the better. Find out more

Before trying to optimize your bandwidth, make it a point to run a quick Internet speed test again to see if the initial problem disappeared. Anything above 5 Mbps works for streaming HD-video quality, although speeds greater than 10 Mbps perform better, especially if multiple users are accessing the same router. - Internet Connection Speed Test Link to and tell others how they can click one button to use the quick and easy speed test to test their internet connection speed. Join the Blogs, Websites, Newspapers, Radio Shows and others that have been telling people about since 2000. Speed Test provided courtesy of the site. Broadband Speed Test | BroadbandUK

For instance, the download speed for a 4-minute song via broadband Internet is 1.5 seconds for the fastest speed of 20 Mbps. Compare this to gigabit fiber optic speed, which takes a fraction of a second.

The broadband speed test on this site is the Ookla ( speed test which is one of the most popular online speed testers (but without all the advertisements that slow your connection). There are a number of other speed tests that you can use to double check your speed readings. "Wicklow Broadband gained its customer base quickly between 2006 - 2010. During 2010 the network structure was reviewed and updated to massively increase data carrying capacity to meet current,and medium term, capacity, we now ope Start My Speed Test. Understanding Internet Speed and Latency. Internet connection speed is defined by how much data is transmitted through an Internet connection each second. A connection of 5 Mbps for example means the connection is passing 5000 kilobits (or 5 megabits) of data each second.