sudo apt-get install vsftpd. After the successful installation, we will move to the configuration part for some security issues and user management. Configuration. To begin with the configuration, open the vsftpd.conf file by typing: sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf Disable anonymous login and …

How to automate changed config files during apt-get Firstly, can I get apt-get to do something by default? Obviously there's no way to provide an answer. Secondly, I don't even know what the right answer to the question should be. The config file it's replacing came from a template. I haven't yet looked up what "nscd" even does. Linux: how to restore config file using apt-get/aptitude? This will remove any config file, original or modified, but custom files will be preserved, with an onscreen message. Note, by the way, that dpkg also recognizes --force-confnew and --force-confold options. apt-config(8): APT config Query program - Linux man page

Linux: how to restore config file using apt-get/aptitude?

fio trivial.fio fio trivial.fio --output=trivial.txt # write output to a file fio trivial.fio --output-format=json --output=trivial.json And that's it. For comparison, I've uploaded the the output from some of my machines. A couple were run in mmap mode before I switched to posixaio to keep closer to the Windows config.

apt-config(8) — apt — Debian jessie — Debian Manpages

That shows three of the apt packages I've got installed: apt, apt-move, and base-config. You'll notice that aptitude isn't listed -- which is understandable, since it doesn't contain the "apt DASH" string. Also, base-config didn't show up above when I searched via dpkg -l \* | grep apt since the string "apt" doesn't appear within base-config. See?