The use of TCP ports 139 and 445 in Windows

Why is udp port 137 being used during a remote desktop Nov 30, 2010 Use of Ports 137-138 and 139 Sep 14, 2017 Why is it that not allowing UDP ports 137 and 138 affect Dec 09, 2013 Windows Firewall: Allow inbound file and printer sharing

Nov 30, 2010

Windows Firewall: Allow inbound file and printer sharing exception This setting opens UDP ports 137 and 138, and TCP ports 139 and 445. This is required for the IPC$ and ADMIN$ shares to be available. Administrative access to these shares is required. This port replaces the notorious Windows NetBIOS trio (ports 137-139), for all versions of Windows after NT, as the preferred port for carrying Windows file sharing and numerous other services. Related Ports: 137, 138, 139 ms-nb-ns (port 137) wmi: Windows Classification [discovery_classy_windows] epmap (port 135) This table shows you other common ports and protocols that Discovery uses. Jan 14, 2020 · The first DBINVENT instance listens on the default port TCP/1433, and the second MSSQLSERVER uses a fixed TCP/53200 port from the RPC range. You can poll the SNMP port on the device by specifying the community name: portqry -n rome-sql1 -cn !snmp_trap! -e 161 -p udp. When checking port TCP/25 on an SMTP server, you can get the service SMTP banner:

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server to communicate with

May 15, 2019 · If the client is an older version of Windows, like Windows 2000, and has NBT enabled, it will always try to connect to the server at both port 139 and 445 simultaneously. If there is a response from port 445, it sends a TCP RST (reset) to port 139, and continues its SMB session to port 445 only.