For Windows Distributions, you can use Zenmap which is the graphical version of Nmap. Now for the same result, you can use Ping command to get the name of OS. Basically Ping is a computer network administration software utility which is used to find the availability of any host on the Internet Protocol Network (IP). Usage of Ping:

Tools to improve on Windows Ping. PingPlotter is a free tool that will map the route from your computer to a target and calculates performance metrics that help determine the origin of network issues. On Windows systems, the default value is 4,000 milliseconds, or 4 seconds. Size – changes the size of the ping packet. The default value on Windows is 32 bytes, many Unix/Linux systems default to 64 bytes. TTL – sets a different TTL. IP4 or IP6 – responds with IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. (ping -4/ping -6 in Windows, ping or ping6 in Linux) Version Fixed buying feature issue Version UX improved for Windows 10 use New capability to pin Quick pinging to start menu Fixed Quick pinging hangs in browser sharing window Fixed some minor issues Changed monetization system Version All purchases made in windows 8 app versions will be converted to Full app experience feature. Usage: arp-ping.exe [options] target -s ip : specify source ip -n X : ping X times -t : ping until stopped with CTRL-C -x : exit immediately after successful ping -i X : ping every X seconds -d : do an 'arp -d *' between pings (requires Administrator) (-d prevents cached ARP responses on Windows XP.) -c : include date and time on each line -m X

Jun 21, 2018 · RELATED: 10 Useful Windows Commands You Should Know. How to Use Ping. We’re going to use the Windows Command Prompt in our example here. But you can also use the ping command in Windows PowerShell, or in the Terminal app on macOS or any Linux distro. Once you get to using the actual command, it works the same everywhere. In Windows, hit

Simple Way to Enable Ping in Windows Server 2016/2012 R2. The below method is applicable for Windows 2012/2016 servers also. 1) Go to control panel from Windows charm bar or search for ‘control’. Open ‘Windows Firewall’. On other Operating Systems such as Windows 2016, you can reach this place via Control Panel from start menu bar. Dec 08, 2015 · Integrated Windows ping command line utility can’t ping over a TCP connection. For that reason, we must use an alternative utility to perform TCP PING with IP address and port like tcping.exe – ping over a tcp connection: Another alternative to standard Windows ping utility is PsPing; and here is the real example from practice: Jul 21, 2020 · Checks management connectivity of a windows host. This is NOT ICMP ping, this is just a trivial test module. For non-Windows targets, use the ping module instead. For Network targets, use the net_ping module instead. Version 5.18.1 Released 2020-07-08. Graph ping and traceroute over time. Find the source of network problems and fuel solutions with evidence.

Jan 12, 2010 · Are you talking about Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2? To force IPv4 or IPv6, use -4 or -6 . To specify the source interface to use, use the -s option. (You use the interface number, not the IP address). To ping using ipv4 from interface 1, use the command "ping -4 -s 1"

Version Fixed buying feature issue Version UX improved for Windows 10 use New capability to pin Quick pinging to start menu Fixed Quick pinging hangs in browser sharing window Fixed some minor issues Changed monetization system Version All purchases made in windows 8 app versions will be converted to Full app experience feature. Usage: arp-ping.exe [options] target -s ip : specify source ip -n X : ping X times -t : ping until stopped with CTRL-C -x : exit immediately after successful ping -i X : ping every X seconds -d : do an 'arp -d *' between pings (requires Administrator) (-d prevents cached ARP responses on Windows XP.) -c : include date and time on each line -m X